Starter Culture

Starter Calture


Starter Calture in Yogurt

It's a kind of bacteria which is added to the milk purposely to make positive changes in it . Since this bacteria starts fermentation process it is called Starter and as in microbiological knowledge , living microorganisms in a growing culture are called Calture , these creatures are called Starter Calture .
A kind of this bacteria makes positive changes by converting Lactose to Lactic Acid , acidification and PH decrease . Starter Caltures can be made of different kinds of microorganisms . These microorganisms are funguses and bacterias and funguses can be yeast or mildew ( as an example , yeast is used in producing Kefir and mildew is used in producing special cheese on which edible mildew grows.) Concerning Starters , bacterias are usually divided based on the growth temperature which includes Mesophiles ( they like moderate temperature 25-37 C ) and Thermophiles ( they like high temperature
39-46 C ).
A kind of culture of Thermophile bacteria that is obtained by freeze-drying method and used for direct use in the product . Streptococcus Salivirus subtype of Thermophiles , Lactobacillus ( Delbaruki – acidophilus?) subtype of Boluricus with antiphage rotation .
Directions for Use : Add culture directly to milk storage tank and mix it for a few minutes so that it can be dissolved better .
Storage Instructions : Keep it in a cool place . It must be kept in 4 ºC for a year .Shelf-life is mentioned on the label . Only use the sealed packages .
Packaging : 5Units -10 Units- 20Units-50Units or any other requested amount
1D units are suitable for 100-200 liter milk and based on production technology

Application areas