TG enzyme in yogurt


Transglutaminase enzyme in yogurt

At the beginning , yogurt's jellylike structure which is formed from weak non-covalent bonds is maintained by hydrogen bonds , but yogurt's water protein barely forms jelly . This jellylike structure is so weak , therefore yogurt's structure breaks easily and it causes the serum to get separated during stirring and storage process , as a result product's nutritional elements are reduced .
TG enzyme can eliminate quite 95% of wastage and errors of yogurt production in the hothouse , such as not forming structure , loose yogurt structure in baskets underneath and staying in the hothouse for a long time . This enzyme actually completes what Starter does and intensifies forming Casein jelly network and finally it leads to formation of a more solid and stable structure in yogurt and makes it look like cream .
This enzyme has the most powerful effect in stirred yogurt and SET mould yogurt's quality and efficiency . It also reduces water separation up to 22.6% and increases mould structure up to 60% , reduces the amount of infant formula using in the product and therefore has a significant effect on reducing product's cost .
Consequently, Tranglutaminase enzyme helps yogurt build a stronger texture, prevents inter-tissue water from getting separated easily by increasing hydrogen's operation in jelly , gives a creamy taste to yogurt , thickens yogurt and decreases serum's exit.
This enzyme has the unique ability to improve the quality , strengthen yogurt's structure and decrease water separation .

Advantages of using TG enzyme :

1 . Increasing stirred yogurt's thickness
2 . Increasing solidity of yogurt's jellylike texture (SET), increasing creamy structure , creating a shiny color and maintaining inter-tissue water .
3 . It's cost-effective since it decreases oil-free powder solid substances , stabilizers , gelatin and resinous substances .
4 . Increasing serum's separation during retaining the product (water separation decrease ).
5 . Creating a mild and pleasant taste in yogurt
6 . Erasing stabilizers in yogurt and make the products stay intact and fresh

Considering ever-increasing use of low-fat dairy products –specially yogurt- using this enzyme maintains product's quality and gives it a pleasing appearance .


This enzyme which is made of milk protein and lactose, gets separated with special methods and along with a carrier in powder form is put on the market. It has a marked effect on improving physical properties of dairy products . Dosage :100- 150 ppm


In comparison to code 125, this code has a higher performance power because it creates better activation . Dosage : 80-100 ppm

Application of  TG in Yogurt :

Strengthens yogurt's jelly-like texture , improves creamy structure and creates a shiny color , maintains inter-tissue water in yogurt , decreases use of powder solid substances and stabilizers (cost-effective) , erases resinous and gelatin substances .

Application areas